Deed of Transfer
Burford to Judkins Sisters

Deeds and Mortgages, Book C
Hempstead County, Arkansas
from 1834 to 1837
Pages 7, 8, 9
Date: 29 July 1834; recorded 29 Aug 1834

Grantor: Charles Buford, Giles Co. Tennessee

Grantees: Granddaughters Josephine Judkins, Margaret Judkins, daus of James W. and Precilla R. Judkins of Hempstead County, Arkansas Territory

Item: One Negro woman - Emily, lately loaned to Precilla

Terms: If Prescilla shall have child or children, such child/children will go to the girls

Witness: Sterling H. Lester, Clerk, and Wm. B. Tinsley, Judge, Pulaski County, TN

Allen M. Oakley

Submitted by: Pauline Brown
Saline County History & Heritage Society