Foster / Grisham Land Deeds

Giles County Entry Book 1824, Page 360

No. 372 Scale of 100 poles per square inch.

State of Tennessee, Giles County: I have (re) surveyed for DRURY FOSTER, 141 7/8 acres of land, under the occupant laws of the State, the original entry No. 100 being in his name, for 116 acres, on the waters of Big Creek, in Range 1, section 2, in the 14th. & 15th. Civil districts. Beginning at a maple the northeast corner of a 62 acre entry No. 92, in the name of MARTIN FOSTER; thence south 88 1/2 east with William Thurman's north boundary line, passing his corner & with W.H. Boatright's line, 188 poles to a large poplar; then north with said Boatright's line 123 poles to two chestnuts; thence west with his line, passing his corner at 14 poles, & with M. Thurman's south boundary line in all 188 poles to a poplar; thence south with Noah Hickman's line 118 1/2 poles to the beginning. Resurveyed the 19th. Day of April, 1847.

W. L. Willeford, Jr., D. S. G. C Jno. Hickman

W. H. Boatright. C.C.

Giles County Tenn. Entry and Survey Book 1848 Page 112 & 113

No. 587. Platted to a scale of 80 poles to an inch

State of Tennessee, 8th. Surveyors District:

Pursuant to the several acts of the General Assembly of the State aforesaid providing for the Occupants & persons owning small tracts of south and west of the Congressional Reservation Line, I have surveyed for Thomas Grisham, one hundred and thirty acres of land, adjoining - acres heretofore surveyed and laid down on the General plan, lying in said District, Section 2, Range 1, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a chestnut northwest corner of 145 acres surveyed for George Newton on the South boundary of 50 acres granted to CHARLES J. BAILEY, 16 poles west of its southeast corner; thence west with its south boundary fifty four poles to a stake & pointers, northeast corner of 25 acres surveyed & spread on the plan in the name of BOOKER FOSTER; thence south forty two poles to a hickory, its southeast corner; west with its south boundary passing the southwest corner at 56 poles in all eighty one poles to a stake; south two hundred and six poles to a stake; thence east passisng the northwest corner of a survey in the name of Aaron Emerson at three & a along - his north boundary in all fifty seven poles to a white oak, south west corner of said Grisham's former survey; north one hundred & twenty six poles to a beech its northwest corner; thence south fourteen poles to a stake & small beech; thence east twenty two poles to a whiteoak, George Newton's corner, north twenty seven poles to a hickory Newton's corner; west twenty four poles to a hickory his corner; north 30 poles to a small beech, his corner; west 6 poles to two hickories, his corner; north seventy six poles to the beginning.

Surveyed February the 28th. 1834. Alex Johnsons, D.S. 8th Surveyors District

Jubal Grisham. Carey Farley. C.C

Page 588. Platted to a scale of 40 poles in an inch.

State of Tennessee, Eighth Surveyors District:

Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly, of the State of Tennessee, passed for the benefit of Occupants south and west of the Congressional Reservation Line, I have surveyed for Thomas Grisham, sixty-five acres of land, lying in said district, in Giles County, on the waters of Lynn Creek, Section___Range___bounded as follows: - Beginning at a dogwood, the nortwest corner of John Hambrick's occupant of 200 acres; running south with the west boundary thereof, seventeen poles to a stake and pointers; thence west forty poles to a whiteoak; thence north one hundred and twenty six poles to a beech; thence east ninety two poles to a beech; thence south one hundred and nine poles to a beech on Hambrick's north boundary of two hundred acres as aforesaid; thence west with said line, fifty two poles to the beginning. Represented by the above plat. Surveyed the 14th of April 1828.

J.B. Johnson, D. S.


John Hambrick. C.C.

Submitted by: Will Smith