The County Militia

Within a short time after the organization of the county the county militia was established as an adjunct to the State militia, and for twenty years or more was in active organization. The first regiment organized was the Thirty-seventh, which embraced the entire county. Of this regiment Robert Steele was the first colonel elected, and Claibourn McVey and John Buford the first majors. After the war of 1812 the regiment was reorganized or divided, and a new regiment, the Fifty-second, was formed of the northern half of the county, leaving Pulaski with the old regiment. Thomas K. Gordon was the first colonel, and Richard H. Allen and James Simmons the first majors, elected for the new regiment. Of the old regiment James Terrill was elected colonel and Thomas Wilkerson and Wm. Rose majors. Col. Terrill removed from the county in 1821, when Maj. Rose was elected colonel, and Gillan Hamell and Abel Wilson majors. The militia was again reorganized in 1825, and an additional regiment, embracing the northwestern portion of the county, including Pulaski, was organized. Of this regiment Richard H. Allen was elected colonel; Simpson R. White, lieutenant-colonel, and John H. Rivers and Edward Tipton, majors. From 1830 the militia began to decline, and upon the adoption of the new constitution in 1834 ceased to exist. Previous to the new constitution's adoption the county was divided into Captains District, and the election or appointment of justices of the peace was regulated by companies or beats, or, as now, by civil districts. During its day the militia was a great institution indeed, and militia offices were much sought after.