Towns of Giles County


Elkton, one of the oldest towns of the county, is situated in the Ninth District, fifteen miles southeast from Pulaski, three miles above the mouth of Richland Creek, on Elk River, and has a population of between 150 and 200. Soon after the organization of the county two towns were laid off on Elk River, one immediately at the mouth of Richland Creek and the other a short distance below. They were named Upper and Lower Elkton. Later on another town was laid off about three miles above the upper town, on Elk River, and lots sold by Dr. Purcell and others, which town was named Elkton; thus at one time there were three separate and distinct towns on Elk River within a few miles of each other, and all bearing the same name with the prefix of Lower and Upper only to distinguish them. In the course of fifteen or twenty years Lower and Upper Elkton lost their identity as towns, the citizens moving from time to time to Elkton and other points, and of the three villages only Elkton remains at present. The business of Elkton at present is as follows: A. W. Moore and T. E. Dailey, general merchandise; A. G. Ezell & Milton Carter, J. J. Upshot, John R. Beasley and P. W. Nave, dry goods and groceries; N. M. Hollis & Co.; and Stephen Dunn, blacksmiths. There are two white and one colored churches in Elkton, as follows: Methodist Episcopal and Cumberland Presbyterian, and Colored Missionary Baptist. The schools of the town consist of a chartered high school, or academy, and the common school for the colored people.


Lynnville, the second town in size and importance, is situated forty-three and a half miles nortly of Pulaski, in the Fifteenth District, and on the Nashville & Decatur Rail road, and has a population of about 400. Originally the town stood about a mile from the railroad, and was known as Old Lynnville, but in 1860, upon the completion of the railroad, was moved over to the road, being at present in the old town about seventy-five inhabitants and one store, which is kept by Smith & Reed, an undertaking establishment by J.C. Gibbs, and a blacksmith shop by Clifford Fry, while John Wagstaff runs a water power grist-mill on Lynn Creek, near town. The old town was laid off on Lynn Creek in about 1810-11. A Cumberland Presbyterian, Christian and Colored Methodist and Baptist Churches are situated in the old town, though no school is taught there. The business of Lynnville proper is conducted as follows: Smith & Bros., Geo. S. Tate, Wagstaff & Bro., C. H. Witt, and F. M. Walker, dry goods; J. B. McCall, Shields Bros., H. Thomas and Heindman & McIntosh, family groceries; W. B. Pepper and Royster & Co., drugs; Griffis Bros., grain dealers; John Boulie, tin shop; J. W. Dickerson, undertaker; J. B. Bray, planing-mill; James Ridenberry, wood-worker; Thomas Fry and J. H. Lancaster, blacksmiths. The churches are the Presbyterian, Methodist and Primitive Baptist, all white. Half way between Lynnville and Old Lynnville is a splended high school which is operated under a four-mile law charter, and which supplies the educational facilities for both towns.


Prospect, a flourishing village on the Nashville & Decatur Railroad, has a population of 200. The town lies thirteen miles south of Pulaski, in the Second District. The merchants of Prospect are R. F. Mays, Gilbert & Reed and J. H. Hazlewood, general stores, and Dr. Cardwell, drugs. N. V. Davis and Dr. Cardwell operate cotton-gins, and T. H. Browning has a blacksmith shop. The secret societies are the Masons, Knights of Honor and Good Templars, the first named order having a large and commodious hall. There are but two churches in the town, the Methodist South and Colored Baptist. The Prospect High School is the one institution of learning in the town.

Aspin Hill

Aspin Hill, with a population of 150, is another town in the Second District, situated eight miles south from Pulaski, on the railroad. The one store of the village is kept by W. G. Inman, who does a general merchandise business. There is also a Methodist Church and a good public school at Aspin Hill, and the people are a thrifty, moral class.


Campbellsville lies in the Fourteenth District, eight miles west from Lynnville, and has a population of about seventy-five. There are two stores in the village, those of Mirh & Hubbard and Cowan & Co., general merchants. Dew & Wright are the blacksmiths. The only church in the town is the Cumberland Presbyterian. A good high school is also located in the town. Other villages are Buford, Wales and Veto on the railroad, and Bunker Hill, Bradshaw, Bodenham and Pisgah away from the railroad.